Greetings from SEAMEO RETRAC!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science and culture. SEAMEO’s highest policy-making body is the SEAMEO Council, which comprises the 11 Southeast Asian education ministers. The SEAMEO Secretariat is located in Bangkok, Thailand.
Vietnam was re-admitted as a SEAMEO Member Country on February 10, 1992, by the SEAMEO Council. SEAMEO RETRAC began operations in October, 1996. The center operates under the functions and responsibilities of an agreement between the Government of Vietnam and SEAMEO, with the mission of assisting SEAMEO Member Countries in identifying and addressing issues of education.
Over the past 20 years, SEAMEO RETRAC has grown and matured in order to fulfill its mission and functions as a regional training center working towards SEAMEO’s vision of, “Being the leading organization for enhancing regional understanding and cooperation in education, science and culture for a better quality of life in Southeast Asia”.
The Center has constantly developed and carried out a variety of activities for educational administrators at all levels; being a leading center for English language teaching in Ho Chi Minh City; developing different trainings, research projects, community service events, international cooperation and information exchange; fostering and improving the capacity of teachers, lecturers, and educational administrators in Vietnam as well as in Southeast Asia.
Central to its core activities is sharing case studies and building models for best practices in management and English language learning. These models are designed to be easily applicable, especially in remote and disadvantaged areas, so that the administrators, managers, teachers and students have opportunities to learn and apply these best practices to improve their schools and their lives.
To fulfill its mission and perform its functions, SEAMEO RETRAC is actively seeking local and international human and financial resources and support. SEAMEO RETRAC is constantly improving the quality of our training programs for education management staff from Vietnam, Lao PDR and Cambodia. The Center’s activities include;a variety of English language programs; training on 21st Century Skills; community services, professional development for English language teachers in Vietnam’s provinces, capacity building for educators’ teaching and pedagogical skills, holding student recruitment activities; hosting international interns, organizing study field trips; facilitating international exchange and cooperation with educational institutions and partners in and beyond the region.
The Center is committed to implementing the Center’s Quality Policy and maintaining the highest ISO 9001: 2015 standards.
SEAMEO RETRAC is proud of all its achievements and successes over our years of operation. With each passing year, the Center gathers precious lessons learned and experiences in order to lead itself towards future goals.
On behalf of the Center, I would like to sincerely thank the SEAMEO Secretariat, the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training, and the Center’s Governing Board Members for their continued support and leadership. I express my deep appreciation to our local and international partners, institutions and individuals who have been with us for the past, now and in the years to come.
Sincerely Yours,
Dr. Ho Thanh My Phuong, Ed.D
Center Director

Vietnam, readmitted as a SEAMEO Member State on February 10, 1992 by the SEAMEO Council, hosts the SEAMEO Regional Training Centre (SEAMEO RETRAC) in Ho Chi Minh City, as one of the 15 SEAMEO Centers in the Region. SEAMEO RETRAC started its very first operations in October, 1996.In February 1999, the SEAMEO Council approved the Center’s adoption of educational management as its core specialization. SEAMEO RETRAC fosters partnerships with its sister SEAMEO centers, and local, national and international institute and agencies for the development of South-East Asia and the wider world.

VISIONTo be a center of excellence in education in Southeast Asia and beyond.
To assist SEAMEO Member Countries in identifying and addressing issues of education.

Being “Dedicated to Excellence in Education”, SEAMEO RETRAC commits itself to:- Persistently enhance the quality of training and accelerate the process of knowledge transfer to meet the learning needs of the community and to develop human resources for the society;
- Ceaselessly develop the teaching faculty and staff with sufficient qualifications, values and competence;
- Identity and secure the necessary recourses to successfully achieve the preset aims; and
- Constantly innovate management methods to improve the overall quality.
Vietnam, readmitted as a SEAMEO Member State on February 10, 1992 by the SEAMEO Council, hosts the SEAMEO Regional Training Centre (SEAMEO RETRAC) in Ho Chi Minh City, as one of the 15 SEAMEO Centers in the Region. SEAMEO RETRAC started its very first operations in October, 1996.
In February 1999, the SEAMEO Council approved the Center’s adoption of educational management as its core specialization. SEAMEO RETRAC fosters partnerships with its sister SEAMEO centers, and local, national and international institute and agencies for the development of South-East Asia and the wider world.

Dr. Hajah Zurina binti Haji Harun
Brunei Darussalam
Acting Director
Human Resource Development Section
Ministry of Education
Dr. Dy Samsideth
Deputy Director General of Education
Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport
Dra Garti Sri Utami, M Ed
Head of Centre for Education and Training
Ministry of Education and Culture
Mr. Darasack RATSAVONG
Deputy Director General
Institute for Educational Administration Development
Ministry of Education and Sports
Dr. Mehander Singh a/l Nahar Singh
Institute Aminuddin Baki
Ministry of Education
Prof. Dr. Khin Maung Oo
University of Magway
Dr. John Arnold S Siena
Director IV
National Educators Academy of the Philippines
Ministry of Education
Mrs. Pryke Wai Yin
Professional Development Branch 1
Academy of Singapore Teachers
Dr. Boorapatis Ploysuwan
Deputy Secretary-General
Officiate Director of Teacher Professional Development Institute
The Teachers Council of Thailand
Dr. Ethel Agnes P Valenzuela
SEAMEO Secretariat
Dr. Deolindo da Cruz
Timor Leste
National Institute for the Professional Teacher Training INFORDEPE
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Quang Hung
Director General
Vietnam International Education Cooperation Department
Ministry of Education and Training
Mr. Tran Ba Viet Dzung
Director General
International Cooperation Department
Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam
Prof. Dr. Tran Van Nhung
General Secretary of Council of the Country’s Professorship
Viet Nam
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Quang Minh
Deputy Director
National University – HCMC
Prof. Nguyen Cong Thanh
THT-International Center for Education Development
Da Lat City
Mr. Pham Ngoc Thanh
Deputy Director
Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training
Prof. Dr. David Wood
Deputy Vice Chancellor, International
Curtin University
The Center’s Academic and Training Board has the function of conducting performance assessments, evaluating, selecting and adopting proposals on upgrading teaching curricula, training program content, and proposals for new programs.