SEAMEO RETRAC’s 20th Governing Board Meeting

In late September 2017, SEAMEO RETRAC welcomed its governing board to Da Nang City for our 20th Governing Board Meeting (GBM).  The GBM is both a time to reflect on the past year and gather recommendations from our governing board members for the year ahead. This years GBM welcomed 7 governing board members and 3 representatives from 10 SEAMEO Countries. Our Board Members were impressed with the Center’s tight schedule of activities and ISO certification. They offered their insights on establishing an academic journal, innovative practices among the SEAMEO Centers, and interest in sending their own teachers to intern with RETRAC to spread the benefits of our trainings further throughout the region.

Held back-to-back with the 20th GBM, RETRAC hosted the Roundtable Discussion on Integrating 21st Century Skills into School Education. The Roundtable was a chance for board members to share their countries’ case studies and their own insights on adopting 21st century skills into both schools and policies. Board members agreed that training teachers’ 21st century skills was a priority for the region.

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