Worlddidac 2008

SEAMEO RETRAC in collaboration with Thai-based Reed Tradex co-organized “Vietnam International Exhibition for Educational Materials and Professional Training – Worlddidac Vietnam 2008” from 3-5 December 2008 in Hanoi.
This Worlddidac exhibition gains its worldwide reputation through its professional activities and networking and was for the first time held in Vietnam. There were more than 120 educational material and equipment manufacturers from 20 countries worldwide having their products displayed at the exhibition. This was an excellent opportunity for administrators, educators, teachers, students and the public at large around the world to meet and share expertise and experience and learn more about state-of-the-art educational materials, equipment and technology. Together with the exhibition, a conference named “Vietnam Education Leaders Forum” (VELF) was also organized, and distinguished speakers shared their viewpoints and concerns on the major issues affecting our education.

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