Recent Events


International Conference on “Global Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Innovations and Best Practices”

On October 28-29, 2021, SEAMEO RETRAC, in collaboration with British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE, Canada) and with the gold sponsor – Capilano University in Canada, organized the 2021 International Conference on “Global Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Innovations and Best Practices”. The Conference aimed at creating a global platform for discussion, collaboration and intellectual exchange among educational

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The International Virtual Conference on TESOL “English Language Teaching in the Era of Globalization 4.0: Embracing the Challenges and Innovations”

On November 27, 2020, the International Virtual Conference on Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) on “English Language Teaching in the Era of Globalization 4.0: Embracing the Challenges and Innovations” was held virtually by SEAMEO RETRAC in cooperation with Curtin University, Australia. Approximately a thousand participants from different countries attended 13 presentations at the virtual conference.  Speakers were

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International Conference on “Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Driving Change with Global Trends”

On July 4-5, 2019, in collaboration with British Columbia Council for Higher Education (BCCIE), Canada and under the sponsorship of Queens College – CUNY in the USA and Capilano University in Canada, SEAMEO RETRAC organized the International Conference on “Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Driving Change with Global Trends”. Attending the Conference, there was the presence of representatives coming

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Training Course on “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Applications in Teaching and Management”

SEAMEO RETRAC, with funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT), conducted a training course on “ICT Applications in Teaching and Management” at the Centre’s premises on March 26-28, 2019. Within the three days of training, 35 participants, who are teaching and academic staff of different universities and colleges in Vietnam, were provided with

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Visit of Delegation from Don Bosco Tech ASIA

During the trip to Vietnam on Feb 25 to March 1, 2019, representatives of Don Bosco Tech ASIA from Vietnam and Laos paid a visit to SEAMEO RETRAC in an attempt to build a relationship with the Center and learn about our contributions to the ASIA region. In the meeting, the representatives shared their expertise in Technical and Vocational Education

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Training Course on “Effective Communication and Professional Services”

In collaboration with Ho Chi Minh City Open University, SEAMEO RETRAC organized a training course on “Effective Communication and Professional Services” on February 22, 2019 at the University’s campus. The course aimed at updating 35 participants working as supporting staff and officers in charge of student affairs with knowledge and skills on effectively communicating with colleagues, students and parents while

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Visit of the Delegation from DAAD, Germany

On February 18, 2019, a delegation from DAAD, Germany paid a visit to SEAMEO RETRAC in an effort of making connection and exploring possibility for collaboration in the field of education. During the meeting, both parties had time to update about each other operations, on- going projects, focuses and proposed some promising co-organized workshops and conferences in the following years.

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SEAMEO-Tsukuba Symposium VII

At the invitation of the University of Tsukuba, Japan and the SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO RETRAC Director, Dr. Ho Thanh My Phuong, Center Director attended the SEAMEO-TSUKUBA International Symposium VII on Feb 10, 2019 at Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan. With the theme “Reform and Development in Teacher Education for the Digital Economy”, the symposium working agenda focused on

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Visit of Students from Australia’s Griffith Honour College

As an effort to establish stronger international bond with other global institutes and organizations, SEAMEO RETRAC welcomed a group of 12 undergraduate students and faculty from Griffith Honours College led by Ms. Victoria Menzies on January 16, 2019. A two-hour sharing session was held for Griffith’s students to learn about SEAMEO and SEAMEO RETRAC’s mission and challenges. During the session,

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Training Course on “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Applications in Student Assessment and Evaluation”

With the aim of assisting universities and colleges in updating knowledge and equipping essential skills with utilizing available ICT tools in designing appropriate exercises and tasks for assessing and evaluating students’ learning performance and outcomes, SEAMEO RETRAC organized a training course on “ICT Applications in Student Assessment and Evaluation” at the Centre’s premises on January 16-18, 2019. Participants in the

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