Seameo Retrac


Regional Workshop “Enhancing Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education in South East Asia through Innovative Educational Leadership and Management”

Regional Workshop “Enhancing Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education in South East Asia through Innovative Educational Leadership and Management” SEAMEO Regional Training Center (SEAMEO RETRAC) in collaboration with SEAMEO Secretariat will organize the regional workshop on “Enhancing Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education in South East Asia through Innovative Educational Leadership and Management” the end of 2021 applying the hybrid mode. This

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Training course on “Grant Proposal Writing Skills”

Training course on “Grant Proposal Writing Skills” On May 25-26, 2021, SEAMEO RETRAC will organize a training course on “Grant Proposal Writing Skills” for researchers, project managers and staff who are currently in charge of project management at universities and colleges in Vietnam. The training course will provide participants with essential knowledge and skills to write grant proposals through understanding

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Training course on “Soft-Skills Training – Module 4”

Training course on “Soft-Skills Training – Module 4” With the aim of equipping participants with the necessary skills to well serve the training and development of soft skills for students at their institutions, on April 27-29, 2021, SEAMEO RETRAC will organize a training course on “Soft-Skills Training – Module 4” for participants from different universities, colleges and vocational training schools

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Training course on “ICT Applications in Gamification on Creative Teaching”

Training course on “ICT Applications in Gamification on Creative Teaching” On April 22-23, 2021, SEAMEO RETRAC will organize a training course on “ICT Applications in Gamification on Creative Teaching” for lecturers and academic staff from various universities and colleges in Ho Chi Minh City and its nearby provinces. During the two-day course, participants will be provided with ample opportunities to

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Webinar Series on Teaching Methodology for English Teachers in Vietnam titled “Reflecting on Teaching by Thinking, Practicing, and Doing”

On April 13, 2021, SEAMEO RETRAC, in partnership with Regional English Language Office (RELO), US Embassy in Hanoi, held the Opening Ceremony of the webinar series on teaching methodology for English teachers in Vietnam titled “Reflecting on Teaching by Thinking, Practicing, and Doing”. The series of webinars aims to provide 100 English teachers from many provinces in the South of

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SEAMEO and BCCIE Partnership Event

SEAMEO Secretariat, in collaboration with the British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE), Canada hosted a partnership event on March 17-18, 2021 to introduce SEAMEO and its regional centers to the international education sectors in British Columbia (BC) including K-12, post-secondary, and language institutions. The objective of this event was to provide an initial platform to explore international partnerships and

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Workshop on “Listening Strategies for IELTS”

On Sunday, March 14, 2021, SEAMEO RETRAC successfully held the “Listening Strategies for IELTS” workshop for more than 20 participants in HCMC. At the workshop, Ms. Lori Ann Shea, a Master of Applied Linguistics at Curtin University in Australia with 6 years of teaching experiences and also the workshop’s facilitator, introduced the necessary skills needed for IELTS Listening test as

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SEAMEO Centers Policy Research Network (CPRN) Virtual Summit and First Chevron- SEAMEO Research Workshop for Strengthening Regional STEM Education in Southeast Asia

SEAMEO Secretariat convened the SEAMEO CPRN Virtual Summit on March 10, 2021, organized back-to-back with the First Chevron-SEAMEO Research Workshop for Strengthening Regional STEM Education in Southeast Asia on March 11-12, 2021. The consecutive events served as a platform for SEAMEO Centers/Network and partners to update trends on policy research, share ongoing activities with other Centers, and revisit activities plan

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Celebrating International Women’s Day

In a series of activities to celebrate the 111th Anniversary of the International Women’s Day and the event “Vietnam Ao dai Week”, a campaign held by Vietnam Central Women’s Union to praise the beauty of Vietnamese women in the traditional dress, SEAMEO RETRAC Labor Union organized a trip to Ao Dai Museum at Long Thuan Ward, District 9, Ho Chi

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Communicative English Training Course for Staff of Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City

SEAMEO RETRAC successfully held the Communicative English training course for 24 staff of Vietnam National University on March 05, 2021. The course, started on Dec 02, 2020 and ended on Mar 05, 2021, was designed to help not only improve participants’ English language communication skills but also familiarize with the format of emails and letters and reports writing, and reinforce

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